Thursday, March 3, 2016

Driving to the Mountains

At the moment, I am in the car going up to the mountains. It is very dark, so I cannot see the keyboard. I am going to take advantage of the days off school, and ski with less crowds. Right now I am getting onto to highway. It is kind of busy on the roads due to the later rush hour traffic. I just passed a truck. The sign says that it will take us an hour and twenty four minutes to get to our destination is summit county near Copper. I have a long drive ahead of me.
Have a Good Night

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


There was a person, her name was Allison.
She enjoyed to run, and a good pun.
She was a nun who liked to have fun with a gun, as she shot it at the sun.
But it did not hit the sun, it spun and spun and fell back down the barrel of the gun.
This was quite a stun for Allison, who was then overrun by a large wagon.
But then another nun was forced to shun Allison because of her use of a gun.
Now that she was done with being a nun, she found a honeybun, and they had some fun with his shotgun, and afterword they ate some bacon.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


There was a fish, his name was Fred.
His friend was named Ned, and they both loved Bread and had a crush on Winifred.
One night, while Fred was in Bed, Ned killed Fred in his love for Winifred.
So now, Ned and Winifred were happily Wed.
Wile Fred was Dead.
Then, Fred came back from the Dead, and with the help of Ed, he ate the brains of Ned, which were in his Head.
So, while Ned badly Bled, he began to Dread his killing of Fred.
Then, Winifred went to Ned, and tried to sew his Head back together with a Thread in a Shed.
But, Ned was Dead, while Fred read a book about a man with a Flathead, while eating Bread.
Later, he dropped Dead from the poisonous Bread that Winifred had infused with Lead.
With Fred and Ned both Dead, all that were left were Ed and Winifred.
But Winifred hated Ed, and refused to be Wed.
Winifred disliked Ed because he was a Red-Head.